Training – Southwest Exchange

JLT at Southwest Exchange 2016

In late October 2016, six active members of the Junior League of Tucson traveled to Long Beach, California to attend the annual Junior League Southwest Exchange conference.  JLT representatives; Shauna McGlamery, Anita Chapin McGuire, Hillary Rosander, Katie Leary, Rachel Black, and Brittney Schmidt had the opportunity to share ideas, interact with Junior League members from all over California and Arizona.

The purpose of Southwest Exchange is to connect Junior Leagues, provide trainings, empower members and address the future of our league. The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. President, Carol Scott was the keynote speaker and challenged us all to embrace opportunities, seek to be committed to one another, be open to new ideas, take risks, and learn something new every day.

They participated in training sessions with topics including Media 101, Public Speaking and Effective Presentations, Sustainers: The Seasoned Junior Leaguers, Boosting Your Resume with Junior League Experience, and more.

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The footprint that Junior League has on our world is incredible with 300 leagues in 4 countries and over 155,000 members we are the game changers and trailblazers.  Together, we can impact our communities and touch the lives of individuals.

“Getting together with other leagues was very beneficial.  It let us share ideas among the chapters and I came back with some exciting ideas for Kids in the Kitchen. Since it is a new event for us, I liked getting ideas from other chapters that have been doing the event for years let me see just how big and far we can take this event.” –Katie Leary